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Cover Page:

Chapter 1: The Guardian and the Warriors

Page 1:

Panel 1: A walled-off school front with a large tree in front of it.
Panel 2: Zoom in of a classroom with kids in simple uniform, a brown-haired girl is doodling on a piece of paper with a pencil, a boy is listening to music on earphones while blowing a chewing gum bubble that gets popped by a paper airplane with a "POP!" The narration text says "It's the end of the school year... The days are hotter, there's nothing going on in class..."
Panel 3: The front of the classroom, where a boy is drawing on the green chalkboard and the teacher is reading at her own desk. The narration text says "No homework... No classwork..."
Panel 4: Zoom in the girl who was previously drawing, she is now yawning while leaning on her arms that are sitting on her desk, she says "YAWWWWN!! Nnngh..." There are two kids behind her saying "But what about blah blah blah...?" and "I don't know!" The narration text says "It is the perfect time to... Wind down... And nap... Nnnnghhh..."

Page 2:

Panel 1: A tarot card shines, it is a modified version of the Ace of Swords. Someone says "Huh??"
Panel 2: Several cards are floating about in some strange space, some of them are swirling as to form some sort of shape with a pair of shining yellow eyes. Someone starts asking "Where-" and the shape responds "Are you?" The first person asks "HUH!?"
Panel 3: The cards take the form of a hooded figure with the same shining eyes, who is holding a hand up. The brown-haired girl from earlier is floating in front of the figure, who says "It's hard to explain, this is a rather complicated place." The girl replies by beginning to ask "Who," which is reponded by the figure saying "Am I?"
Panel 4: Another tarot card is in focus, it is a modified Magician. The figure says "That's also complicated."
Panel 5: